Texas Assistive Technology Network State Conference 2018


June 12 & 13, 2018, Houston, TX


The Texas Assistive Technology Network State Conference is an annual forum created specifically for stakeholders of assistive technology devices and services in the public school system.  TATN offers keynote presentations by national leading providers of assistive technology services and researchers providing high quality in-service education related to advocacy, evaluation, implementation of assistive technology.  Further, it introduces participants to the latest assistive technology devices and services through a large, comprehensive exhibit hall.  Participants engage in didactic and hands on opportunities to maximize their benefit from the training. To encourage a program conducive to the exchange of ideas, attendance is limited to approximately 700 people. 


List of speakers can be found at: http://www.texasatconference.net/

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Participants will be able to define one process of evidence-based practice.
  2. Participants will be able to describe two successful strategies for literacy learning for students with disabilities.
  3. Participants will be able to list two successful strategies for seating positioning access and mobility.
  4. Participants will be able to describe one generalized model of AAC delivery.
  5. Participants will be able to appraise one advance in emerging assistive technologies.
  6. Participants will be able to identify two inclusion strategies for individuals who use technology.
  7. Participants will be able to explore two AT implementation strategies.
  8. Participants will be able to examine one AT evaluation and assessment strategy.
  9. Participants will be able to identify two effective transition strategies for students using AT.
  10. Participants will be able to formulate two strategies for parent involvement/support/training.
  11. Participants will be able to describe one strategy to support student engagement and participation.
  12. Participants will be able to design one aspect of professional development for public school personnel.
  13. Participants will be able to list two vocational supports for students who use AT.
  14. Participants will be able to identify one strategy to support students with visual impairments.
  15. Participants will be able to identify one strategy to support students with auditory impairments.
This activity is offered for up to 1.2 CEUs (12.0 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:
  1. Download, and complete the following forms.
  2. Save the files names: 180613_TATN_Lastname-Firstname
  3. Send both files to ceus@aacinstitute.org
  4. CEU certificate will be sent after submitting the two forms

Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write to ceus@aacinstitute.org to request an alternative file format.