Step-Up Your AAC Game! Part 1: Introduction to AAC Options, Evaluation Procedures and Obtaining Personal Devices for Your Client
December 10, 2020 Webinar
This 60 minute course is intended to be a demonstration and discussion of a variety of AAC devices, evaluation procedures, and obtaining dedicated devices for your clients. This session, which is Part 1 of our AAC continuing education series, involves a demonstration and discussion of the software and hardware features of several devices including the Wego 5A, 7A, 10A, 13A and Zuvo 10,12 speech generating devices (SGD); various elements of the assessment process; and how to select the most appropriate device for your client.
Rachel Meester, MA CCC-SLP
Morgan Cameron, MS CCC-SLP
Learning Outcomes:
Participates will demonstrate an understanding of hardware, software and access mode options available to clients.
Participants will describe steps in the feature matching process to determine the most appropriate speech generating device, accessories, and access method for individuals.
Participants will be able to explain how to initiate the evaluation process and provide helpful tools for along the way.
CEUs This activity is offered for up to 0.1 CEUs (1.0 hour of instruction). To register for CEUs:
Download and complete the following forms.
Save the files names: 201210_TTMT_Lastname_Firstname
Send both files to
Upon completion of the two forms and passing the quiz, a CEU certificate will be sent
Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write to to request an alternative file format.