Putting It Into Practice: Taking What You’ve Learned & Applying It Successfully


June 16-18, 2015  Pittsburgh, PA


The focus of this two and a half day seminar will be to provide learners with a theoretical and practical foundation for the use of core vocabulary as it pertains to language and vocabulary development for augmented communicators as well as how to integrate the use of core vocabulary as a primary strategy for targeting communication and language in home and academic settings.   Our guest speakers, all speech-language pathologists and alumni of the Pittsburgh AAC Language Seminar Series, will present on communication partner training strategies and programs.  Additionally, one alumni speaker will present on the topic of providing access to Minspeak® for students with Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD).


Bruce R. Baker, A.M., L.H.D. (Hons. caus), Cheryl Fletcher, M.A., CCC-SLP, BCBA, AC/AT,

Traci Peplinski, M.A., CCC-SLP, Amanda Soper, M.A., CCC-SLP, Kristy Davies, M.A., CCC-SLP,

Debbie Witkowski, M.A., CCC-SLP, Russell Cross, BSc. (Hons.), DipCST, MRCSLT, Tracy Kovach, Ph.D

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain why core vocabulary, not extended vocabulary, should be emphasized in AAC intervention.
  2. Describe the relationship between the use of core vocabulary and normal language development.
  3. Describe the difference between a needs-based communication display and a language-based communication display.
  4. Discuss the impact of motor automaticity in the successful use of AAC devices.
  5. Discuss strategies for training parents and school staff to be successful communication partners.
  6. Describe and model effective aided language input strategies.
  7. Discuss strategies for providing access to AAC for students with Multiple Profound Learning Disabilities.
  8. Discuss goals and strategies for using video self-analysis to train communication partners of AAC users.
  9. Identify two key differences between referential and descriptive teaching strategies.
  10. Discuss strategies that enable students who use AAC to demonstrate learning to demonstrate learning within the components of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


This activity is offered for up to 2.0 CEUs (19.75 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:
  1. Download, and complete the following forms.
  2. Save the files names: 2015-SCS-June16-18-Lastname-Firstname
  3. Send both files to ceus@aacinstitute.org
  4. CEU certificate will be sent after submitting the two forms

Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write to support@aacinstitute.org to request an alternative file format.