Playing to Learn, Learning to Play with Make it Yourself AT


September 16, 2015, Online


According to Fred (Mr.) Rogers, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Play includes exploration using all of our senses, examining how toys and materials work, discovering new ways to use materials, and more.  Adaptations to attach, stabilize, make the toy easier to hold, or confine the toy can be made with readily found materials. Removing barriers and providing access for children who have differing abilities and challenges can expand their play opportunities. So, let’s play!


Judith Schoonover, Assistive Technology Specialist, Loudoun County Public Schools

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Participants will name three or more readily available low cost or no cost materials that can be used to stabilize, display, or contain toys to provide physical and sensory access.
  2. Participants will identify three or more ways to expand play with adapted toys far beyond cause and effect.
  3. Participants will list three or more Internet resources to find out more about adapting toys.


This activity is offered for up to 0.2 CEUs (1.5 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:
  1. Download, and complete the following forms.
    1. Attendance Form
    2. Evaluation/Learning Form
  2. Save the files names: 150916_ATIA_Webinar19_Lastname-Firstname.xls
  3. Send both files to
  4. CEU certificate will be sent after submitting the two forms

Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write t to request an alternative file format.



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