Empowering Paraprofessionals – The Key to Successful AAC Implementation
August 29, 2019, Online
Training related to evidence on state-of-the-art assistive technology on new devices and across the lifespan.
Candice Stell, SLP-L, ATP
Learning Outcomes:
Explore ways to increase successful implementation of AAC and Assistive Technology in classroom and work environments..
Identify expanded roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals in supporting use of AAC and AT for individuals.
Identify strategies to engage support professionals and create active participation with training modules.
CEUs This activity is offered for up to 0.2 CEUs (1.5 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:
Download, and complete the following forms.
Save the files names: 190829_CTG_Lastname_Firstname
Send both files to ceus@aacinstitute.org
Upon completion of the two forms and passing the quiz, a CEU certificate will be sent
Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write to ceus@aacinstitute.org to request an alternative file format.