2015 IDEAS Conference- St. Simons Island, GA
June 1-5, 2015 Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island, GA
Tools for Life, Georgia’s AT Act Program, has joined forces with the Division for Special Education Services and Supports of the Georgia Department of Education, and the Georgia Council for Exceptional Children, to host the 2015 Institute Designed for Educating All Students (IDEAS) Conference. This conference will provide educators, parents, and other interested individuals with an opportunity to learn about effective education practices and strategies for teaching all students. IDEAS will provide participants the opportunity to learn about a variety of assistive technology devices and software that can be used to enhance communication and academic achievement for students of all ages and ability levels. Participants will be exposed to information provided on a wide range of low technology to high technology devices across technology areas including academic and learning aids, augmentative communication, assistive technology for students with significant cognitive disabilities, assistive technology for young children, vision technology and assistive technology processes. Participants will learn how to select assistive technology devices to meet individual student needs. Additionally, they will be provided with strategies for the successful integration of the assistive technology devices into instructional activities. Session topics that will be addressed are assistive technology & accessibility, behavior & classroom management, common core & UDL integration, educational strategies &, instructional technology, parent & family engagement, policies, procedures & practices, sensory, impairment, and transition. This conference is designed to provide participants with the information that they need to integrate these specific strategies into the curriculum. Sessions at this conference are organized by various tracks enhancing participant’s abilities to select areas that are relevant for their areas of instruction.
Opening General Session Keynote speaker/workshop presenter:
- Debbie Gay: Director, Division for Special Education Services and Supports
- Lisbeth Garcia, Kristopher Harper and Trey Quinn
Closing General Session Keynote speaker:
- Richard Woods: Georgia’s School Superintendent
- Matthew Dooley: Life Lessons
Learning Outcomes:
- As a result of participation in this conference, participants will gain the knowledge and skills that they need to provide effective educational practices to all students, including those with disabilities, thus impacting student achievement.
- As a result of participation in this conference, participants will improve student achievement through increasing access to and acquisition to appropriate assistive technology devices and services.
- As a result of participation in this conference, participants will demonstrate an understanding of the range of disability services and resources available and how to apply the information to support transition, student learning and access to the standard curriculum.
- Download, and complete the following forms.
- Attendance Form
- Evaluation/Learning Form (Participant must score an 80% or higher to receive CEUs)
- Save the files names: 150601-IDEASConference-Lastname-Firstname
- Send both files to ceus@aacinstitute.org
- CEU certificate will be sent after submitting the two forms
Note: If any difficulty is encountered in using this form, write to ceus@aacinstitute.org to request an alternative file format.