Sustainable AAC Intervention and Supports for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


October 13-15, 2020, Virtual


The focus of this 3-day seminar will be to provide learners with a theoretical and practical foundation for the use of core vocabulary as it pertains to language and vocabulary development for augmented communicators as well as how to integrate the use of core vocabulary as a primary strategy for targeting communication and language in home and academic settings. Additionally, our guest presenter, Gail Van Tatenhove, PC, MA, CCC-SLP, will present on sustainable AAC practices for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Many adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are not getting appropriate AAC intervention or supports.  Many used some type of AAC when in school but are now living in the adult world with no reliable means of communication.  In this presentation, Gail will be addressing three major topics: (1) 10 key issues that impact AAC system use with adults with IDD; (2) communication intervention the promotes a positive quality of life; and (3) training strategies for building sustainability in the support and use of AAC systems.  Small group activities will allow all participants to discuss how the information in this presentation can be applied in their work.  Small group projects, as time allows, will also be completed and shared with all participants. 


Deborah Laurent Witkowski, MA, CCC-SLP

Tracy M. Kovach, PhD, CCC-SLP

Russell Cross, BSc (Hons) Psych, MRCSLT

Gail M. Van Tatenhove, PA, M.S., CCC-SLP

Learning Outcomes:

Explain why core vocabulary, not extended vocabulary, should be emphasized in AAC intervention.

Describe the relationship between the use of core vocabulary and normal language development.

Describe the difference between a needs-based communication display and a language-based communication display.

Identify the challenges with using a page-based system in an AAC device.

Discuss the impact of motor automaticity in the successful use of AAC devices.

Discuss key issues that influence AAC use with adults with IDD.

Name the four indicators of a positive quality of life for adults with IDD.

Develop AAC intervention goals that promote a positive quality of life for adults with IDD.

Develop a staff-training plan to support AAC use with adults with IDD.

Develop personal advocacy plans to support sustainable AAC use with adults with IDD.

Identify two key differences between referential and descriptive teaching strategies.

Generate linguistically oriented IEP goals and objectives for students who use AAC.

Discuss strategies that enable students who use AAC to demonstrate learning to demonstrate learning within the components of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


CEUs This activity is offered for up to 1.9 CEUs (18.5 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:  

Download and complete the following forms.

Save the files names: 201015_SCS_Lastname_Firstname

Send both files to

Upon completion of the two forms and passing the quiz, a CEU certificate will be sent

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