Ready, Set, Grow Preschool AAC


March 16, 2023


Preschool is one of the first school experiences for some of our young Augmentative and Alternative Communication ( AAC ) learners. Knowing how to best support and serve our early learners with complex communication needs can be an overwhelming task in the classroom – especially when starting from scratch! Whether you are new to AAC, the preschool population or are seeking novel, innovative ideas, this course will cover all of the above. 


Mary Katherine Dally, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP

Learning Outcomes:

Describe and understand five ways to build AAC capacity in the preschool setting or with a preschool age client focusing on myths and research, vocabulary selection, language approaches, assessment and goal writing ideas. 

Design at least three innovative, child-led communication opportunities within the preschool classroom throughout the school day. 

Apply tools and strategies for carryover and training when working with preschool families and caregivers.


CEUs This activity is offered for up to 0.2 CEUs (1.5 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:  

Download and complete the following forms.

Save the files names: 230316_CTG_Lastname_Firstname

Send both files to

Upon completion of the two forms and passing the quiz, a CEU certificate will be sent.