Inclusion, Accessibility and Alternative Access in the Preschool Classroom


April 13, 2023


Preschool is the first structured learning opportunity for most students. Preschool learning experiences include pretend play during centers, pre-literacy and writing skills, social interaction on the playground and following a curriculum during circle time, among others. For students with complex bodies and complex communication needs, these everyday opportunities and learning experiences within the preschool classroom can be impacted by accessibility. Throughout this course, experience ideas to increase accessibility for preschool students, supporting multiple access methods in the classroom such as switch access, partner assisted scanning, eye gaze and tactile learning for visual impairments. We will discuss how to interpret and support a total communication approach by assigning meaning to play and communication for some of our youngest learners.  


Mary Katherine Dally, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP

Learning Outcomes:

Describe and review alternative access methods when using Augmentative and Alternative Communication ( AAC ) and opportunities for implementation within the preschool classroom setting through play, social, literacy, curriculum and motor based tasks. 

Design at least three innovative and accessible play opportunities within the preschool classroom using alternative access methods. 

Explain three strategies to support inclusion within the preschool classroom focusing on communication and play opportunities with peers.


CEUs This activity is offered for up to 0.2 CEUs (1.5 hours of instruction). To register for CEUs:  

Download and complete the following forms.

Save the files names: 230413_CTG_Lastname_Firstname

Send both files to

Upon completion of the two forms and passing the quiz, a CEU certificate will be sent.