AAC Community


An Internet resource to support family members share the excitement, wonder, and joy of seeing children communicate using AAC interventions. Parents with children who rely on AAC often find themselves in isolated situations, disconnected from other families to share experiences, with feelings that no one really understands the situation.

Parents’ Corner does not advertise any products or promote specific manufacturers. The views, ideas and materials shared by contributors and readers are independent and unsolicited.


AAC Parent Group

The AAC Parents Google Group is a virtual community of parents of children who rely on AAC. Other participants may include family member, people who use AAC, and personal care attendants (PCAs). This is a community free from commercial and professional organization endorsements, opinions, policies and procedures that place restrictions and limitations on access to assistive technology. Currently, Shannon Carney is the list coordinator.

A Google Group is a place where you can post comments, questions, or information that may be valued by others in the community. As a member of a Google Group you can sign up to receive an email message each time a new item is posted. An archives allows you to search previous postings. There is no cost to belong. The AAC Parents Google Group was organized to provide a forum for sharing and commenting on topics covered in The Parents’ Corner as well as other topics.

Professionals and others outside the group for which this listserv is intended are asked to respect the privacy of families and not become a participant.

To join the AAC Parents Google Group, click here and you will go to the registration page.

After registering, to enter the Google Group AAC Parents area, click here. Alternatively, just go to www.google.com and click on Groups.

Your feedback is always valued.

You can send your feedback or report any inappropriate content to: parents@aacinstitute.org 


 More groups are coming soon………..